Creative custom brass lighting in interior design and pride in craftsmanship and artistry are what todays interior designs will say about our homes now and in the future. At Copper Lantern Lighting we believe in the “Art of Lighting”. The use of brass or copper in todays lighting is both modern and traditional. The warmth that comes from using quality metals is what compliments interior design.
Creative people everywhere, artists, writers, textile designers, musicians, for many their homes serve a double purpose of making art and escaping from it.
Home is a place to settle in after years on the road.
Home is a place to make connections before moving on to the next project.
Home is a place to soak up the light and make art happen.
And each room in a home is a chance to showcase color and textures while making memories with family and friends. The use of brass or copper adds both color and texture. Hand-rubbed finishes or patinas lend period authenticity to today’s modern lighting.
Everyone’s home is filled with things that speak to their journey that they took to get to where they are now. Everyone’s home is a canvas that they get to paint, whether it is a blank canvas or one that they can add on to and make it their own. Homes are filled with mementos of life, keepsakes of the journey. And many of those keepsakes link us to our family’s past. We find meaning and purpose in everyday objects.
It is in this spirit that Copper Lantern Lighting designs and builds each lantern. Each could be part of a story someone tells about us someday. We design and handcraft each lantern with a story that our children will be proud to tell.
Let us be a part of your journey. Let us be a part of your home.